What is the responsibility of a moderator?

Moderators introduce the speaker, time presentations and provide overall facilitation of each session. 

How do I volunteer as a moderator? 

Please send an email to [email protected] indicating your preference of moderating or evaluating. You will be contacted before the conference. No previous experience is required.

Will I be scheduled to moderate during my resident's presentation?

Attempts will be made to arrange your session so you are able to attend your resident's session.

What is the deadline to volunteer and submit any preference or special request?

March 25, 2019

How will I find out when I am scheduled to serve as a moderator?

The schedule for presenters and moderator assignments will be posted on the website approximately 1 week in advance of the conference. You will also be contacted via email. Preceptors serving as a moderator are encouraged to attend the Moderator session on Thursday morning. Additional information will be available at the registration table. 

What if I commit and my plans change?

We understand. Please let us know the name of the alternate preceptor from your program who will serve as your replacement. It is important that you send an email to [email protected] in advance of the conference.

How do I obtain my CE credits for attending the conference?

All presentations are given a Universal Activity Number (UAN). You will complete a UAN form for each day of the conference noting the UAN for presentations attended. Sheets are turned in at the registration table at the end of each day. For all participants who completed a UAN form and provided their personal e-Profile ID (NAPB ID) number on it, a complete record of credits can be found on the Mycpemonitor.com website within three weeks of the conference.  No paper certificates are mailed. 

Where do I park?

The parking garage adjacent to the University Center will be available, free of charge, for conference attendees.

What are the abstract guidelines?

Please read the abstract guidelines here.

What are the presentation guidelines? 

Please read the presentation guidelines here.

Where and when can I load my presentation?

Beginning Monday, April 8, you may email your COMPLETE and FINAL presentation to [email protected]. NO CHANGES may be made once your presentation has been emailed. Note: If you submit your presentation via email prior to the conference, you may not load at the conference. Emailed presentations are FINAL. Early submission will save you time the morning of your presentation!

If you do not email your presentation prior to April 19th at 10:00 am (CST), you will load the day of your presentation. Thursday presenters may load Thursday, April 25th. Due to time constraints at the conference, we are unable to accept any Thursday presentations after 9:45 am. Friday presenters may begin loading Thursday, April 25th, at 5:30 pm. We are unable to accept any presentations to load after 7:00 pm. If you are presenting Friday and are unable to load Thursday evening, you may load Friday morning from 6:30-7:30. Arriving as early as possible for presentation loading is greatly appreciated!

What happens if I go over my presentation time?

Your presentation will be timed by a moderator. The rule of thumb is 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions, totaling 15 minutes. You will be asked to conclude if your time exceeds 15 minutes.

Wireless Internet Access

How do I connect?

Wireless internet is free for conference guests. Select the um-guest network and enter a valid email address when prompted. This will be required each day of the conference.

How do we submit presentation evaluations?

Presentation evaluations will be submitted by QR code ONLY.  A QR code will be provided for each session.

Before the conference, please prednisone download a QR Reader or Scanner to your smartphone. These can be found by searching your smartphone app store. Any free QR Reader or Scanner should work. After scanning the QR code, you will choose the speaker's name from a list and complete the evaluation for that presenter. There will be space provided for comments. Evaluation summaries will be emailed to presenters shortly after the conference. It is advisable to bring your phone charger as your phone battery may drain quickly. There will be a limited number of charging stations available. 

Instructions for downloading and using a QR Scanner

Step 1
Search for "QR code reader," or “QR code scanner” in your tadalafil App Store, Market, Marketplace or App World application (for the iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile and BlackBerry platforms, respectively) and then download and install a free app. There are paid versions of these kinds of apps, but the free ones work just as well.

Step 2
Open the QR code reader app on your smartphone. A new window should open with a square in the middle of it. 

Step 3
Hold your device over a QR Code so that it’s clearly visible within your smartphone’s screen. Two things can happen when you correctly hold your smartphone over a QR Code.
1.    The phone automatically scans the code.
2.    On some readers you have to press a button to snap a picture, not unlike the button on your smartphone camera.

Step 4
Your smartphone then reads the code and navigates to the intended destination, which may or may not happen instantly. It may take a few seconds to load. 

MidSouth Pharmacy Residents Conference QR codes are unique for each session. Please be sure to scan the correct code for each session to ensure you have access to the appropriate presenter pool.

Who provides my feedback?

Feedback is officially provided by the Evaluator who is assigned to each room and session. You will also receive emailed copies of electronic audience evaluations completed for you. 

What is the Social Event?

Thursday, April 25th, from 5:30-6:30 pm, there will be a reception in the University Center Ballroom. Hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be served. This will be great time for networking.



William L. GreeneBS, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP
Chief Pharmaceutical Officer
Member, Pharmaceutical Department
Office:  (901) 595-3686
[email protected]

Camille Doty
Administrative Manager, Pharmaceutical Services
MidSouth Pharmacy Residents Conference Coordinator
Office: (901) 595-4191
[email protected] 

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Pharmaceutical Services
262 Danny Thomas Place, Mail Stop 150
Memphis, TN 38105-3678
Fax: (901) 595-3111

Conference Advisory Committee

Jennifer Bean, PharmD; VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Murfreesboro
Kelly Bobo, PharmD
; LeBonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis
Amy Evans, PharmD; Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis
Kristie Gholson, PharmD; North Mississippi Medical Center, Tupelo
William Greene, PharmD; St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis
Ben Gross, PharmD; Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy, Nashville
Scott Malinowski, PharmD; University Medical Center, Jackson
Jennifer Pauley, PharmD; St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Alicia Perry, PharmD; HCA Management Services, Nashville
Maegan Rogers, PharmD; Regional Medical Center, Memphis
Joe Swanson, PharmD; University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy, Memphis
Josh Sullivan, PharmD; VA Medical Center, Memphis
Jennifer Twilla, PharmD; Methodist University Hospital, Memphis
Casey White, PharmD; Cookeville Regional Medical Center, Cookeville